Monday, June 17, 2013

Racing Shirts Quilt

 I was never really an athletic kid. I played a bit of soccer, but not all that well. I swam a bit in high school, but never on the first-string team. A few friends started doing Couch to 5k last year, so I tried it, too.  I signed up for a few races, then a few more, and, somehow, a year has gone by.

I'm not a big novelty t-shirt person; I knew I'd get a lot of race shirts I wouldn't want to wear. I got a great idea: make a t-shirt quilt with all my race shirts and embroider my finish time on each square. Twelve months and 12 races later, I finished it. 

A year later, I'm still not ready to run a marathon (or even a half marathon) but I'm definitely ready to try to got for a personal record at every race.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Fairy Houses

  Summer vacation is here which means lots of playing outside, no schedules and tons of free hours to fill. This summer, I'm going to try to do one fun art/craft/science activity each week. A.K.A.: Time to see what things on Pinterest really work.

The first week was fairy houses. The Bean had been ally into making a hiding spot for fairies in our front shrubbery so I thought she'd like to decorate an actual structure. I loaded up on coupons from JoAnn's and we picked up a few wooden bird houses, paint, shiny rocks and other fun, pretty decor. I let the girls paint the outside however they wanted before we had fun with the glue gun. I set the glue gun on low, put a good glop where it was needed and let the girls place what they wanted there.

I love the feathers and grassy puff balls and the shiny rocks are beautiful. I don't know if any fairies have set up shop, but they add fun to our front yard.