Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hippy Golf Shirts

My stepmother, J, plays in a golf tournament every year that always has a fun theme. However, it's played at a somewhat stuffy golf course, so you don't want to go too overboard with the theme shirts. Delicate balance, right?

This year, the theme was "Hippy Chick". And since I love my Silhouette, I offered to design the shirts for J and her partner, C.

We figured everyone would go for tie-dye and peace signs, so we didn't want to go there. My dad, D, kept urging me to put a big cannibis leaf on the front. Which, in Colorado, isn't so much "hippy" as "current legal medical alternative".

I did a search on the Silhouette online store for "hippy" and a lava lamp came up in the results. I was delighted. I had pink and silver heat transfer and a bunch of rhinestones. I decided to put the lamps on the backs of the shirts (as a lava lamp between the breasts isn't exactly the most flattering look) and some 60's slogans/golf puns on the front.

I thought it was a great mix of the theme, wearability and appropriateness. J told me the shirts were a big hit and a bunch of people wanted to know how to do them. Let the crafting ripple effect begin!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Good Thing to Know

You can substitute powdered sugar for regular, granulated sugar. 1c regular = 2c. powdered

Yes, somehow I'd run out of regular sugar. No, I don't know how that happened.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I broke my oven. I think I feel faint.

I was making dinner the other night and when I went to check on it, the door wouldn't open. And it smelled like the oven was on Clean, even though the display read 400 deg. I had an error message on the display and the manual was less than helpful.

I couldn't turn the oven off no matter what buttons I pushed or knobs I turned.

The Boy and I decided to unplug the oven, but when he grabbed the door handle, it cracked into a million pieces (but didn't shatter thanks to the safety glass). So, we turned off the power to the stove from the circuit breaker.

Now, I can survive (for a short while, at least) without an oven, but I can't survive without an oven AND a rangetop. No boiling water, no sauteeing, no pan frying. Imagine it.

After all, if I get an unalterable urge to bake, I can get an Easy Bake Oven and a bunch of lightbulbs.