Friday, May 18, 2012

Rubik's Cube Cake

I'm a child of the 80's.  I have fond memories of MTV, The Breakfast Club and Family Ties.  I bought more issues of Teen Beat than I'd care to admit.  So it's no surprise that the book Ready Player One really pushed all my buttons.  So to speak.

I'd just finished re-reading it when I went through my "baking projects to try" list and I found a Rubik's Cube Battenburg Cake recipe.  Dude, how awesome is that?

I improvised a baking pan, the same way I did the last time I made a Battenburg.  I made all the batter at once in my KitchenAid, measured out 6 equal amounts into bowls and dyed them with food coloring.
From Minus Minions

I cut each color into 2 and started assembling.  I didn't cut each piece so every slice would be different, but I did cut some smaller pieces and glude them together so some of the slices would be different.
From Minus Minions

The Boy was slightly confused when he came home.  Then he saw the actual cube next to the cake and it all slid into place. A very delicious, tea-cake kind of place.
From Minus Minions

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sugar Scrubs

I've been on a sugar-scrub kick.  They're easy, inexpensive and smell incredible.  My friend, S, gave me 2 for Christmas: a Lemon Hand Scrub and a Vanilla Brown Sugar Body Scrub.  She packaged them in canning jars, so they kept well in the shower and by the sink.

I've been using Safflower and Sunflower oil instead of Olive Oil, because they have a less strong scent.  And I totally cheat when making the Lemon Hand Scrub: I mix a whole bottle of Burt's Bees Lemon Body Oil (4 oz.) with 4 oz. of my base oil, and, easy peasy, lemon-scent plus Vitamin E.

A few years ago, Sephora had a Coffee and Cream Body Scrub that's since been discontinued.  I've been thinking about how to make my own, maybe using powdered milk somehow, and I might start with this Mocha Spice Body Scrub recipe.

I made these for Teacher Appreciation gifts for the girls' preschool.  I got some 4oz. Mason jars at Wal-Mart and was able to make all 3 scrubs in about 30 minutes.  Just a little pampering in a jar for people who have made a huge difference in my children's lives.