Thursday, October 4, 2012

Pull-Apart Cinnamon Apple Bread

Since the apple pie and cake were so successful, I wanted to find another way to use the apples from our tree.  Luckily, I get the email newsletters from King Arthur Flour and one had a link to a delicious-looking Pull-Apart Cinnamon Apple Bread.

This is an amazing recipe to make on a nice fall day.  The filling, with apples, cinnamon and brown sugar, fills the house with an amazing aroma.  It's a yeast bread, so there's a few hours where the dough has to rise, so plan accordingly.  And be ready to make a bit of a mess.  The filling is a little syrup-y and will ooze when you cut and stack the bread.  It might look like a hot mess and you'll doubt this will work, but never fear. After rising and then baking, it will all turn out okay.

It is definitely amazing warm with butter on it, but I'm wondering what other toppings would be delicious.

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