Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Rock Candy Experiment

The egg shell geodes were such a big hit, the girls wanted to make them again, only bigger. I got the idea to make rock candy--in other words, geodes they could eat!

I raided out cabinets for glasses that were narrow and tall enough for the string to be covered in enough sugar syrup. Three champagne flutes and a glass mug worked perfectly.

It was difficult to keep the girls from wanting to eat the candy until it was ready. Patience doesn't come easily to four- and five-year olds. After about five days, though, there were enough crystals to see and eat and there was much sugar-fueled rejoicing.

It was a fun experiment and next time, if there is a next time, I'd try wooden sticks or try to find a way to keep the string straight instead of curling up. It did take longer for the first crystals to show up and I wonder if that's because the cups were near the air vent in the kitchen and it was a bit more humid with the AC on.

Now, what to do next...

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